The Translatability of the Classics

Session 2: The Translatability of the Classics – 02.30pm – 04.00pm

[Each presentation will be 20 minutes, with 10 minutes discussion.]

  • Griselda Gambaro and the Classics
    Dr. Gwen Mackeith
  • Gwn has taught at University College London and the University of Westminster, and was appointed as post-doctoral research assistant to the Out of the Wings project (KCL) in 2008. Her research interests are centred on the prose, poetry and theatre of Argentina. In 2011 her translation of Griselda Gambaro’s Los Siameses/Siamese Twins was performed, and published with Oberon books.

  • Stagings of La Celestina on the Latin American stage, Argentina and Spain
    María Bastianes
  • María completed her MA at the Universidad de Salamanca, is currently completing her PhD at Universidad Complutense, Madrid based in the Instituto del teatro de Madrid. Her research focuses on the reception of the staged productions of Fernando de Rojas’ La Celestina in Argentina.

  • Translating Cervantes, Spain
    Dr. John O’Neill
  • John’s doctoral thesis centred around a digital edition of Cervantes’ La entretenida /The diversion, which is a major contribution to the Out of the Wings project. This edition presents a new perspective on Cervantes as a dramatist, and incorporates features that will be of interest to academics, theatre practitioners and translators alike, providing four versions of the Spanish text and a translation, all with performance in mind.